Ceramics - Kiln / Firing Fees

The tradition and the future of ceramics are alive and centered at the historic Byrdcliffe Barn. Our Ceramics classes take place in the Lower Level of the Byrdcliffe Barn on 485 Upper Byrdcliffe Road, Woodstock, NY. 

Firing / Kiln Fees

The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild will fire ceramic artists’ creations in the kilns (cone 10 gas reduction and up to cone 6 electric kiln firings) at the Byrdcliffe ceramics studio. Firing fees for enrolled students are $0.05 per cubic inch and $0.10 for soda firing. Drop off firings are available for Byrdcliffe members at $0.07 per cubic inch and $0.14 for soda firing.

To have your work fired and for additional information, send an email to Ceramics Program Director, Rich Conti at ceramics@woodstockguild.org.

If you have already made arrangements or have had your work(s) fired, kindly make payments below.